Saturday, 18 July 2015

The 100 Day Project on Instagram

Woohoo - I just completed my 100 day project #100daysoffoundpatterns.

Originally inspired by (designer/teacher/writer) Michael Beirut, this 100 day project was initiated by artist Elle Luna and the publication The Great Discontent in 2014. (Read more here) Anyone and everyone was invited to pledge their own creative commitment for 100 days, as a celebration of process.

Being a pattern-fanatic I pledged to post a 'found pattern' once a day for 100 days. (It turns out I got my numbers mixed up a few times and actually ended up with 104!) Finding patterns was in fact a lot easier than I thought, and after just a few days I found myself more observant of my surroundings and searching for patterns without even knowing it - great for fine tuning my visual awareness! It was lots of fun, and also served as a kind of visual diary of places I have been and things I have done. I have loved the variety of pattern making, (admittedly some are more 'textures' than patterns) from architecture to plants to food and different materials.

It really taught me the value in committing to doing something creative everyday, however small it is. I also really enjoyed the community element of this project, checking out the many different projects literally across the globe, and connecting with other creative people. I look forward to the next one! Below are a few of snapshots of my project, along with a showcase of a few of my favourite projects, which I really enjoyed looking out for every day.

View my complete project here:


Feature 1: @Nashvilletypecase #100daysofnashvilletype
The first feature project is from @Nashvilletypecase which does what it says on the tin! This project is a gorgeous collection of found type in Nashville, some real crackers in there for typophiles. Being many miles away I find this a real treat to get a glimpse of some lovely graphics from the other side of the pond. What a lovely little inspirational resource this project is.



Feature 2: @pocketbeagles #100daysofpaintingthings

The next is #100daysofpaintingthings by Melbourne based @pocketbeagles. This is the most imaginative and fun project I found, where random objects were painted into all sorts of crazy stuff. Its funny, clever and great art. The Frankenstein matchbox is my favourite, closely followed by the galaxy blaster hairdryer. I am so going to miss this project!

Pocketbeagles 1
Pocketbeagles 2

Feature 3: @evie_barrow  #100daysofportraitsonpaperbyevie

Finally I want to feature #100daysofportraitsonpaperbyevie by @evie_barrow. Another Melbourne based illustrator, Evie painted 100 lovely characters in 100 days. They are really charming and bright and cheered up my Instagram feed regularly!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Oriel Wrecsam Contemporary Art Gallery

Quite by chance I happened upon a lovely gallery/shop one Saturday morning a few weeks ago, whilst visiting the in-laws. Oriel Wrecsam (Wrexham Gallery) is in Wrexham, North Wales and is currently at a temporary location on Chester Street having moved from within the library. What a lovely find this was! There are plans to develop a creative arts hub, with the Oriel calling itself the 'Premier Venue for Contemporary Visual and Applied Arts in North East Wales'. They are in the process of developing a centre that will include gallery and studio space, for artists and other creative industry, performance space and even a curated cinema programme. It sounds brilliant! Since I visited they have had the front of the shopfront painted by talented artist Jonny Hannah. I look forward to visiting again to see it!

Inside is a print lovers paradise, I could happily have browsed for hours! There are racks of beautiful editioned prints, stationery, bags, ceramics and jewellery, plus a very impressive magazine selection. The space itself as been beautifully designed too, and the displays well put together. I was pleased to pick up some Norman Ackroyd postcards (one of my favourite printmakers).

I wouldn't have stumbled upon this gallery if my 2 year old hadn't spotted the vending machine out the front. I'm sure she was hoping it contained Sponge Bob toys, but to my surprise it was an ArtVend machine. ArtVend is a brilliant initiative whereby local artists produce 50 pieces of original art for £50, each unique piece being packaged into a plastic egg and sold 'self-service' for £1. Also included inside was a note from the artist, and a link to their website or contact information. I was pleasantly surprised to find a lovely original print in mine, small but perfectly formed!

If you find yourself in the north west you should go take a look. A little treasure trove in the heart of Wrexham.

Oriel Wrecsam
11 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8BE
Open Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
Free admission
Twitter @orielwrecsam

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Fizzog! Ken Garland & Associates

I was sifting through bits and bobs in the charity shop this week and happened across this retro piece of design by the iconic and influential British designers 'Ken Garland & Associates' in 1969. The box is in pretty good nick, and the set of cards is complete with the original instructions too. What a great find for £1.99! Lovely crisp and clean design, and the game looks pretty fun. Its a simple card game where you have to place your cards down to make adjoining faces, and get points for matching various facial parts each time.

Garland designed the logo for Galt in 1961 and designed for many of their catalogues and advertisments, all of which are truly beautiful pieces of graphic design. I found this great little interview with Ken and some wonderful vibrant images on Design Boom which you can read here! Another great link is for Ken Garland's website: 

I'm now on the lookout now other classic children's games they designed, 'Connect' and 'Anymals'!

Happy thrifting!