Sunday, 16 November 2014

Vintage Rotex label maker

As a stationery addict I'm very chuffed with this latest charity shop find - £2 for this vintage Rotex label maker. It came in bits but I figured out how to put it back together and to my joy it worked! It came boxed with this awesome bright orange tape that looks very cool next to the powder blue. I have tried to find out how old it is, but can't find any other identical versions online... It has an engraving on the side that says 'Tech Office Area 2 FFD Field', I'd love to know where it came from. Any ideas get in touch...

I intend to give this a new lease of life, must get thinking of a creative use for it!


  1. Did you figure out how to load the tape cartridge?

  2. You utilize it to make address labels for envelopes. You can send letters or welcome cards to every one of your customers, providers, companions and relatives effectively.Top 10 best label maker
