Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Andy Warhol Colouring Book

Ok, so let me start by saying this is not cheap; at £12.95 it works out at about a pound a page. BUT, this is not your everyday colouring book. Inside are the fun and quirky sketches of Andy Warhol, the book is an adaptation of an original colouring book by Warhol first published in 1961. It's just shy of an impressive A3 in size, and the paper feels about 250gsm, heavy enough for some painting, mixed media and gluing if your little one fancies it.

I am really keen to expose my daughter to all styles of art from an early age, to develop her visual language understanding by seeing a variety of mark making and colour by different artists and illustrators. I have always loved picture books and had a steady collection before I had any children, so I enjoy sharing these with my daughter now and watching her imagination take hold as she studies the pictures and smiles. Some of my favourite early memories are of colouring and tracing books, and I remember clearly getting my first Spirograph in the 80s, hours and hours of fun. All this nostalgia combined with an excuse to make a blog post from it convinced me to part with the pounds to buy one of these!

On the first page is the sentence "For children of all ages to color and paint. You will want to frame these or perhaps send them to someone you want to make happy.' How lovely. The inside back cover has some of Warhol's own coloured renditions of some of the pages too.

If you are a Warhol fan and have a kid who likes to create, you should save up your pennies!

Buy one from Waterstones here

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