Tuesday, 21 March 2017

'Write On' Campaign 2017

Whilst researching some paper stocks recently for a project I'm currently working on, I came across the 'Write On' campaign. This is a challenge to write and send 30 letters in 30 days through the month of April (National Letter Writing Month in the US it turns out) Being a stationery and paper obsessive, and loving the simple pleasure of putting pen to paper, I got excited and decided to join in. Its been organised by Egg Press and Hello Lucky, check them out!

Although originating in the US, I applied for my letter writing pack and eagerly awaited its arrival by airmail over the Atlantic! A couple of weeks later a set of beautiful letterpressed cards arrived, complete with stickers and a list to document my letter sending. I look forward to making the time to put some thoughts on paper and to connect with some special people, and those that I don't get to correspond with as often as I would like. Receiving a letter is so much more personal than receiving a text or an email. The tactility of the paper, the handwriting of your friend, and the fact the letter has travelled its own little journey between you both makes it more special somehow. I also love to look back at old letters, they are a wonderful time capsule keepsake. Plus who doesn't love to find something handwritten among the pile of bills on the doormat? I am often guilty of failing to stop and think before I speak, and so I actually feel I can articulate myself far clearer and with more consideration when I write.

You can find out more about the campaign here and get hold of your own pack of cards, or just pick up a pen and a scrap of paper and get going! I have always been a card and paper collector so I have raided the box and set aside some lovely ones to use in addition to the Write On pack. Now to set about determining my list of recipients... I shall be documenting my letters over on Instagram @makeplaydo, so come follow me there! #Write_On

Happy writing...


  1. Write on campaign 2017 will help many people to improve their writing skills and can enhance them by writing about the latest topics. Good luck to all the writers

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